About Campus Outreach

Campus Outreach is a ministry built on relationships.

It is through these life-on-life relationships that college students come to know Christ, mature in their relationship with Him, and share their lives and faith with others through evangelism and discipleship.      


The influence of Campus Outreach does not end at graduation. The success of our vision is measured best by the students who carry the vision of reaching the lost world with them after college. Our prayer is that alumni will continue to grow in their relationship with God, share their faith with those who don't know Jesus, and continue the process of discipling others.

38 Years of Ministry

Campus Outreach (CO) had its beginning in 1978 in Birmingham, AL at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. The ministry began with one full-time staff person who was a recent graduate from Samford University.



27 Franchises

Through continued multiplication, the Campus Outreach ministry has expanded to over 100 campuses from 30 different regions and spread across 19 states and 5 continents. As a newly formed franchise in 2016, we are praying that we would reach many more campuses in our state and region in the years ahead.  



We seek to build laborers with a commitment to Jesus and His Great Commission through evangelism and discipleship. We are passionately reaching students with the Gospel and training them to become mature followers of Christ. Our desire is to see students leave college equipped to labor in the harvest field for the glory of God.

Glorifying God

The ultimate purpose of God and of all His creation is to glorify God (Isaiah 43, Psalm 33, Romans 1, Revelation 5). Because there is nothing more valuable than God himself, CO exists that He may continually receive what He deserves: praise, honor, and glory from us as we find our joy in Him. We desire to spread a passion for the glory of God to all people, in all places, by all appropriate means, as urgently as possible.



By Building Laborers

Jesus Christ once said as he observed a large crowd, “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:33-36). That profound statement has rung true throughout human history and could certainly be applied to our world in the 21st century. It is the desire of Campus Outreach to work hand in hand with colleges/universities, churches, families, and individuals to produce these Kingdom laborers for which there is such a desperate need.



On the Campus

CO believes that the university campus is one of the most strategic mission fields in the world. Beyond the movement of God through His Holy Spirit, there are at least 4 factors we see that make college ministry so strategic. Student density, availability, openness, and potential are unprecedented compared to elsewhere in the world. Thus, we believe that the university campus is the most strategic place for CO to impact the world for Christ. 



For the Lost World

Our goal is to influence the world for Christ, participating in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). CO desires to be a part of the expansive enterprise of the gospel that is being taught around the world to every people, tribe, and tongue (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Revelation 5). More specifically, we desire that trained graduates would be mobilized from the campus to have a gospel-centered impact on those around them in every sphere of influence.

Living for the Glory of God 



Abiding - in God's Word



Bearing - Christlike Character



Operating - under the authority of a Local Church



Relying - on the Holy Spirit through Prayer



Engaging - the lost through Evangelism



Reproducing - through life on life Multiplication




Non-Christians with the gospel of God’s grace and love through Jesus Christ. We do this on the campus primarily through building relationships with college students. We also create spiritual and non-spiritual contexts (Bible studies, events, weekly meetings, semester retreats) to fuel relationships, investigation, and leadership opportunities (Romans 1:16, John 4:35).





Mold-able disciples in their relationship with Christ. Once a student surrenders their life to Christ (or if we meet a young believer), we establish them by teaching them basic convictions, perspectives, and skills to know Christ, become like Christ, and make Christ known in and through their lives. This would include Bible study, prayer, evangelism, worship, walking in the Spirit, time and money management, etc. (Colossians 2:6-7)





Maturing disciples to make disciples as they reproduce their lives into others. We seek to instill the vision and skills necessary for students to live out Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Timothy 2:1-2 as they evangelize, establish, and equip others (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Ephesians 4:11-13).




Multiplying disciples into the world to be kingdom leaders and servants for Christ and in His church. Our end goal is an equipped laborer who has embraced and is employing their gifts and abilities for the Kingdom. Our hope, as we base everything we do on the principle of multiplication, is that by reaching the campus we would reach the world as graduates are sent into every sphere of society and into every country (Matthew 9:36-38, Mark 3:14).

Although the ministry of Campus Outreach maintains an interdenominational profile on the campus, every CO ministry is under the authority and supervision of a local church body. We encourage students to get involved in a local church with us while in college and after they are mobilized into the world.

Campus Outreach Baton Rouge is under the authority of Christ Covenant Church. 

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